How to present a multi-facet 5-star rating system?

I want to design a multi-facet 5 star rating system on mobile devices, for the intent of attribute analytics. In layman's terms, I want to be able to present the user with a list of characteristics for an object, and have then have them rate the objects based on each of the characteristics (1-5 stars). For example, I could make the object an apple, and then have users rate the Apple 1-5 stars on it's Texture, Taste, Color, Feel, etc. This way, I can manage a group of objects and I will be able to analyze where each object succeeds and fails.

The trick to this, is that the rating system will be on mobile devices. How can I present a multi-facet rating system on such a small screen so that it's easy to use, and not too small?

This question is different from Best way to present a 5-star rating system in that I know how I plan on presenting the rating system, I just need to find a way to present a lot of these rating systems on a relatively small screen area.