How to present a list of sentences in a beautiful and useful way

This might not only be a user experience question but also a design one.

I am designing a corporate website and my manager didn't really like the first idea I presented.

I have to show a list of sentences and the title of the section with its subtitle.

I wanted to show the list of sentences in a more web friendly style rather than the old sequential and "text documents" style. Therefor I used a slider:

Large Image Image with large title text and small subtext overlayed on top. Sentence one is in a box below the image with arrows to either side indicating the ability to navigate to other sentences

From his point of view, the list of sentences loses it since it is shown sentence by sentence and he prefers to show it all together. His suggestion was to move the title of the section to the bottom and use the space above to show the sentences in a kind of box. This is what I came up with (which I personally find horrible):

Large Image Image with a blue box containing sentences overlayed on the image. Large title text and small subtitle text in a box below the image.

Not only do I think it's a worse design, but also I believe the title of the section should be at the very top as is the main text the users should be reading.

What would you recommend? Is there any other possible way to show a list of sentences that is more user-friendly and useful?