How to make it clear that a column of numbers is a link/clickable?

I have a column in a table that shows a list of "members" and their "item" count (I'm using abstract terms here). The purpose of this table is to show the members with the most items and allow the user to view each member's items.


From an interaction perspective, it makes sense to link the Items column since users will view a member's items. I don't think linking the Member column to go to the member's items makes senses (rather it would link to their membership page such as their "profile").

The issue that I'm encountering is that the number in the Items column is usually small and therefore has a very small click target/is not immediately obvious that it's clickable.

Here are some alternates that I've created. I'm still not convinced that they look/feel better.

Alternate 1 - a dedicated "view items" link

dedicated 'view items' link

This design feels weird not linking the actual number.

Alternate 2 - repeat the "items" text

repeat the 'items' text

This design is a little weird because in reality the "items" is longer (e.g. such as "viewed items").

How can I make it clear that the Items column is clickable in this table?