How to log out as an admin while viewing a page as a regular user

I'm developing a special kind of software. To the average user, or customer it's simply an account management tools. You can log in, view payments and other info and then log out.

enter image description here

However, we also have admins who log in a bit differently. That is what makes my software special: Using the same login screen, they are not directed to a customer dashboard, but instead are asked to enter in the customer's name or ID. Next, they are directed to the selected customer's dashboard, and can view everything exactly how that user does.

enter image description here

However, there is one difference: admins can log out of their own account, sending them back to the same login page everyone uses, or they can go back to the admin dashboard to select another customer.

The problem is, I'm unsure what "logout" should do when the admin is viewing the page.

There are two options:

  1. Have it do exactly the same thing that it does for customers and log them out; meaning it directs admins to the login page. This would mean including a link in the dark admin bar at the top of the second screenshot to return them to the admin dashboard.

  2. Have it return admin to their dashboard. Admin can then logout or select another customer from their dashboard. Optionally, there can be a link in the dark admin bar to fully log out and have the admin return to the login screen.

What would be most intuitive for admins? What allows for the most efficient workflows? And what wording will help reduce confusion?