How to indicate selectability in an information-focused list

My first question, let me know if I should edit!

I'm working on a list-map hybrid, where each item on the list can be selected, to show up on the map (like Yelp).

The list needs to give a fair amount of information at a time, as well as a few actions, and the ability to select multiple items at a time.

The last part is what's giving me issues -- I've just run out of space for the list items. Each list item is about as big as I'd go -- the screen can hold about 2.5 items at a time. If I were to use a checkbox, everything would have to shift over, and it's packed as tightly as I'm comfortable with.

Should be able to:

  • select multiple assets at a time, but only one Project/Zone at a time.
  • give a fair amount of information
  • click the address to go to the asset on the map, click "dashboard" to open up the asset detail view, click the list item itself to select it
  • I've thrown together a compact view, with much less information. If this is the way to go, how would the user switch between compact and more information? An "Expand" button on each list item, or a list/detail view toggle?

Ideal, information-heavy view Alternate, super-compact view Project/Zone information list item