How to improve user activation / retention with user research?

I'm a junior UXR and would like to get some advice regarding how to improve user activation and retention through user research.

Some background:

I'm working as the only UX researcher in a B2B SaaS startup. Our company has quite some new signups every day but the problem is that the activation and retention rates are low. I've tried to reach out to non-activated and churned users to understand why, and the summary is:

  1. They (or their team members) don't have time to adopt to a new tool

  2. They don't really know how to fit the tool into their daily workflow

  3. They prefer our competitors over us because their products are more robust

I guess they are common reasons for churned users but our team had tried quite some different ways based on these three points trying to grow our users and nothing really worked.

On the other hand, I also talked with our active users and understand what our value propositions for them are. It turns out that: for the most part, it is kind of the opposite of why some people churned and went to our competitors - they think our product is easier to use compared to others.

I'm starting to wonder if our product is just not something that most people need? Or how should I continue to proceed in terms of user research to solve the problem?

Thank you in advance for the feedback and advice!