How to handle settings which can be both set mechanically and via a computer?

I develop a device, which can be configured via a handful of binary settings. These can be set with mechanical switches (of course, internally they are evaluated electronically)

However, optionally, one can connect this device to a computer and change these settings via a software (which is developed for the monitoring of this device).

The question is, what is the best practice (industry standard?) to handle the situation when users use both the computer program and the physical switches? due to the nature of the device, this should usually not happen very often. Even the settings themselves are not such that they would need to be changed often.

Obviously, the settings sent by the computer overwrite the physical switches. (The switches are not powered - no motors or electromagnets -, so they remain in the old position)

Let's say all the settings are "off". The user sets setting1 and setting2 to "on" via the computer. Later, he sets setting3 to "on" via the switches. Now the question is:

  • A. Because the user now used the switches as an input method, only the switches are used for the settings. The settings will become: 1:off, 2:off, 3:on This has the problem that previous settings (set by the program) are forgotten.

  • B. Only change the new setting. The settings will become: 1:on, 2:on, 3:on. The problem: the switches for 1 and 2 are still off, so later it would be strange that some switches correspond to the correct setting, some do not. Of course, the monitoring program would display everything correctly, including the switching of further switches.


The device is intended to be able to be used completely without a computer (this is why the DIP switches are built in). However, if someone does use a computer, it is usually (I think) uncommon to handle the switches, because the device will usually not be within reach (e.g. built in under a table, into a bigger system, etc.) This also leads to alternative solutions, for example if it received configuration data from the computer, it should no longer allow to be changed via the switches, ever (unless it is reset, of course).

Are there notable devices which are configurable both by mechanical switches and by computers? I don't remember seeing a printer with such properties but I can imagine some might exist. Is there a method which is used in the majority of such cases? Are there advantages/disadvantages of my listed options I did not think of?