How to group a long list of items on 1 mobile app page?

One of the applications I work on is required to display a long list of items. The list page must display a list of line item labels and their corresponding values. The user can select some of the values to go to a separate page and perform the relevant action, and some of the values are for information purposes (no action required). A lot of the items can be grouped together into 5-6 separate groups. The group names are quite long, longest one is 25 - 29 characters long.

My question is: what is the best way to group the items for Android and iOS? Will an accordion work? Perhaps tabs for each grouping - the long names might be a problem here?

Here is an example of the full list page with no grouping:

enter image description here

Here is a quick example of an accordion:

enter image description here

Here is a quick example of tabs:

enter image description here