How to facilitate the perception of the uniqueness?

Often my user fill two password fields in a form.

two passwords form

The computation of the two fields generates a unique sha1 (ex: dba59b52c4d483e17cad109e7...).

  • I use the generated sha1 to generate something (with some other information).
  • I do not display the sha1 to my user.
  • If the user completes the form with the same two password, the sha1 is always the same.
  • I do not store the sha1 for my user.

To allow my users to discern that the computation of both password is the usual(1) computation, I used the first 6 characters of the sha1 to build a color and I display it to my user.

color uniqueness

The user feedback is not very good :

  • certain colors are associated with errors or warnings (red, orange, etc)
  • I use a limited number of color for color-blind, and often users have identical colors for two different sha1

How to facilitate the perception of the uniqueness of my sha1 ?

If I use pattern or geometric shapes, where should I put it ?

(1) The repetition of filling the form with the same information makes the computation usual.