How to display recorded webinars AND future webinars in search results

Similar to this issue but slightly different. Sort order when I have events and products

I have a page that shows webinars available for purchase in a card-like format. Users can filter and see upcoming webinars (future date), recorded webinars (past date) and All Webinars (a mix of upcoming and recorded webinars). We currently default to showing All Webinars available. However, it doesn't make sense to sort by most recent first (which is our default and only sorting capability at the moment) since we wouldn't want to list past webinars first (their date doesn't matter at this point) and we would be burying upcoming webinars down the page that we'd want to prioritize showing since they're upcoming.

The linked issue above (from 7 years ago) had comments that recommended listing both types of webinars but in separate buckets on one page. I feel like this is a potential solution, but am not sure how to implement for my scenario of recorded and upcoming webinars?

Do you think that implementation would work for my scenario? Any tips for a more intuitive experience?

Here is our filter design for reference.

filter design