How to display long and dry text’s?

How would you display your users really long text's that are dry and they don't really want to read?

Context: We have a relatively big website with a area for our paying customers. Since the laws in europe changed we need to adjust our consent-process.

This means that when before you, as a user could just enter your Name + Email and receive a newsletter if you wish, you now have to explicit give consent.

We have like 8 "big" categories which are named like "Advertisement" and have sub-points like "Newsletter", "Sales news", "Business news" etc.

Our legal department told us we need to provide the users the legal text's with every point they can choose to give consent.

I thought about something like this:

enter image description here

Hitting the Info-Icon will show a tooltip with a small summarized text of the legal text, which is written like a non-legal text if you know what i mean, below that text inside of the tooltip users will find a "Read entire text in a new tab"-Link which would open a new tab in their browser and display the whole legal text.

Im not a fan of opening stuff in new tabs but since those texts can be up to a whole A4 page long i don't really think displaying it in the same screen makes much sense.

Do you have any other recommendations or comments regarding my "solution"?

I appreciate it.