How to display choices from multiple options on mobile

Here's my scenario:

  • Customer books a hotel room for 4 guests for a week.

  • He/she can then add meals to their booking of which there are 4 mutually exclusive options (Let's say Full English Breakfast, Vegetarian Breakfast, Continental Breakfast and No Breakfast)

  • Imagine 2 guests would like the Full English and the other 2 guests would like Continental. (Note: each guest will receive their chosen option for every day of their stay)

  • Consider guests changing their mind (e.g. switching to the veggie option)

Does anyone have any ideas how to display this on an app?

I have a few ideas below but V1 & V2 might be tricky in terms of switching from one option to another and reflecting what's changed.

V3 solves the above problem but might be challenging visually and could be confusing as the number could suggest that they are buying one individual breakfast.

V4 is divided by guest with the default being "no meals" for all adults but could be long winded to individually edit per guest.
