How to display actions similar to one another for proper UX

The company I work for have a Search widget which will allow them to search for petrol station sites in the database. A User is able to have a "Saved Search" which will allow them to re-run a detailed Search they have previously done.

However, a new piece of functionality is that the User will be updated, by a notification, when their Saved Search has been updated in the background (I.E: Site information has changed, or new prices are available).

enter image description here

However, we need to let the User refresh the widget or dismiss the notification (which will go to another area). But at the top right of the widget we have 4 icons:

  1. Refresh
  2. Settings
  3. Maximise
  4. Close

I am just wondering if this would be considered good UX? I made the "Refresh" label a call to action button because that is the favourable direction the User should be steered in. I contemplated using icons but I didn't want "Refresh" and "Dismiss / Close" to interfere with the main widget icons listed above.

Any help would be great on this one. Thanks.