How to display a mnemonic phrase

I am currently working on a app that has to display a mnemonic phrase.

A mnemonic phrase is a list of 12 words that act as a seed for a private key.

Since the mnemonic phrase essentially is the private key, it needs to be displayed in a way that takes into account privacy, security and clarity.

Ideally, the UI of this app should offer some guidance or information, conveyed as simply as possible, about the mnemonic. For example:

  1. Tell the user the mnemonic should not be written on a computer, only on paper and kept securely.

  2. Make the user confirm writing the mnemonic.

  3. Ensure the user understands the importance of the mnemonic.

I am not sure how to design this display mnemonic screen.

Here are some of the thoughts I have relating to this.

  1. Give a lot of danger cues. Make borders or text red, add ! icons, grab the users attention.

  2. If I display information textually, I might run into wall of text issues. No one wants to read a big chunk of text.

  3. The presentation it's self, do I display each word one by one? If so, do I let users go back? If I give them too much freedom, for example to go back or see all the mnemonic at once, will this affect security?

  4. Do I put in a checkbox that says something like I confirm I wrote this down? Is that sufficient?

What are your suggestions for a good UI / UX design of a display mnemonic screen?