How to display a lot of necessary important messages

I'm looking for a clear way to show a lot of case notes for teaching staff.

Context is: this is for a page that teachers view when in class with their students. There is a Case note section that should show pertinent information about each student. Teachers/Admin staff create these case notes in an effort to communicate - throughout the day/week - with staff.

Presently the page flow is:

  • Class name / Class year / Class time

  • Case note 1 for Student X

  • Case note 2 for Student Y . . Case note n for Student n

  • List of all Students.

The challenging part is that there could be 80+ case notes, and all of those case notes (theoretically) be about one student. The display of these case notes displays the most recent entry at the top of the list. There's also no category/hierarchy of case notes.

I think my options here are:

  • Show a "# of case notes" identifier adjacent to each student that, when selected, shows the respective case notes
  • Introduce a category of case notes, and only show those case notes within the case note view
  • Only show the 5 most recent case notes, with an option to view all case notes

Any ideas or examples that help with displaying - potentially a lot of - necessary and timely information