How to display a "friendly" deadline without weekends?

I have an issue where by we have a dashboard which displays deadlines.

We just encountered a bit of a conundrum, with how to handle weekends.

You have event A, which has a deadline to be actioned in 24 hours. Event A is raised on 9:30am Thursday, there for the deadline is 9:30am Friday.

On Friday, the dashboard displays in the deadline column:


Nothing happens Friday (down the pub probably), and on Monday, the dashboard displays:

3 days ago

When, for the business there's no work over the Saturday or Sunday, hence they have only missed the deadline by 1 day, not 3.

However, the issue comes, if the dashboard displays:

1 day ago

On the Monday, then people start to think the deadline was on Sunday? And the actual timestamp of the deadline is 9:30am Friday! So the two points do not match...

How best to display this?

  1. Just leave it as is, on the understanding that the deadline was in fact, actually, truthfully 3 days ago
  2. Adjust the deadline to be Sunday for the display?
  3. Have the two columns split, and have a separate calculation for the days ago, and one for the actual deadline? And then have to explain why Sunday was actually Friday.