How to design the following part without any user confusion?

I've a wireframe that looks like following. I've removed the non-essential parts for the sake of brevity.


As per the above image, table has two columns Start and End date and other 3-4 columns. Since I'm anticipating the date selection same for all the records, I've provided the checkbox at the top. Now, when this checkbox is checked and user provides the start and end date for the first row, Functionality wise it should be copied to all the rows. But it is mainly an assumption, dates can very well be different for all the rows.

Now there can be cases

  • Start and end date might already have a date selected, so in that it is better to not overwrite that value.
  • User selects date for 2nd row first. (:shrugging:)
  • User may check the checkbox later or uncheck it.

So my question is what is the efficient and user friendly way to accomodate my requirement?