How to deal with multiple call to actions that are as important on a product page?

So we have a quite unique product page. We sell datasets as maps on our website. Obviously we already have a primary CTA button that says 'Buy for $...'.
But we'd like to add some other options for visitors who don't just want to buy a dataset. For example: they might want to connect their own data to the set on the product page, but might not know that's possible with our service.

So we want to have the following options for our visitors:

  1. Buy dataset
  2. Connect your own data
  3. Buy a dashboard
  4. Try a free sample

(I won't go into detail for all of the options, but this is something we think will help sales and we want to try it out)

As for my question:
The first three actions all end in a purchase. And the second and third option are more expensive than the first one. Which makes all three of the actions about as important.

So how can I have four actions(buttons) on the same product page of which three are about as important, without having three buttons that look like the same primary button?

I hope my question is clear and someone can help me with some good ideas!

This is a page a lot of visitors enter the website. They haven't seen any other page and most won't see any after this. So it's very important that we show our visitors what they can do with our products and tools right here. My boss knows our visitors and knows what most are looking for. That's how we came up with the three new options.

enter image description here

We're thinking about removing the collapsibles from the left side as well to make space for the other options.