How to deal with many subpages in an Android app?

I'm currently developing an Android app which has already plenty of pages in its navigation, so I don't want to add much more to it.

Now I have a page, let's call it marketplace. The marketplace had many different market stands with different activities, on some you can buy stuff, on others take part in a lottery, etc. I need to display these activities (about 15) in the marketplace page.

I didn't want to just put them all on the market page directly because it would end up in a lot of scrolling (which is bad).

My second idea was to put a list on the market page with buttons with the name of the market stand (herbs, lottery, etc.) on the market page and create subpages for each market stand.
This doesn't require much scrolling, but still doesn't look good or feels really intentional.

Is there a better way to do this?