How to deal with inconsistent time and date filter across tables?


Users should be able to filter tables with device information such as number of issues and number of products by time period. The filter allows users to enter a date and time manually (on the left) or pick a preselected option (on the right).

For some tables (e.g. including number of issues) "now" should be a filter option, for other tables (e.g. including number of products) "now" doesn't make sense.

enter image description here


1. What location is most understandable for the "now" option?

A. In the list of preselected options

B. Next to the time and date filter enter image description here

2. Is it more understandable to hide the "now" or disable it when it is not available?

(E.g. in a table that only shows number of products.)

Thanks for sharing your knowledge!