How to clarify a field contains a smart default/suggestion that’s still editable?
I'm designing a flow for businesses to add new credit card users. Since we want to make the flow as short as possible, we came up with the idea to show smart defaults for the embossing name (the name that is used on the physical card). This default would be a combination of the initials and the surname that was filled in previously.
However, since it's not mandatory to have your legal name on your card you can in essence write down whatever you want as embossing name. We want to prevent locking people in to using what we tell them, yet we also want to help save time by providing smart defaults.
My question is; how do you show that a field is 'prefilled' or contains a suggestion, but can still be changed to whatever you like?
Currently I have a regular filled field with a caption underneath that reads 'We've already made a suggestion for you based on the provided initials and surname.'