How to bring a workflow from organised mess to regular organized environment [closed]

Edited the whole post for more clarified description

After giving a second read, I just noticed that basically didn't explained anything at all and all I did ask for ideas, sorry! I'll try to expand my situation.

I'm working as a digital product design consultant for a ecommerce product. They've been scaled up and scaling down for a good cause (not because to cut down the budget but focus on a more organically active region)

On it's first release it was innovative by that time and due to interest in popularity, new features, new data metrics added. It's been around maybe more than 5 years and it grew into a larger company.

As far as I've noticed the team is open for any ideas. None of my ideas been pushed back and tested (and I'm not implying that I'm the "perfect UX designer" with 0 mistakes in his career)

Which this is a great thing. But at the same time this openness caused a mess in back end. Development of the product feels like a jenga tower and as the demands change (but the foundation stays the same) we're trying to expand tower on a single line of jenga brick.

To be more specific, from start there haven't been an design library (like Figma/sketch library) implemented year ago. But when I joined it's wasn't being worked on as the previous designers left the company. But devs kept working with the half baked design library and the previous components that was being used. And there's 3 different platforms needs to be aligned (desktop ios android) and all of their release road maps are different. Even there's some features are going to be available on some specific platforms. Not because of the technical capabilities of platforms, or business decision. It's just because - which doesn't clicks with me at all.

For my example I've started with a very basic thing to fix and ended up getting my self questioning the feature structure. 

So, when describing in such way this certainly sounds like someone else's job. A project manager etc. But at the same time, as I think I'm one of the builders (amongst the developers) I feel like I should be also involved heavily as the team is more than open to figure out a better production and release environment.

Have you ever had fixed a working enviro like this before? What did worked out for you?

Or much importantly, do you think this sounds like something beyond a designer?