How to best handle pricing between MVP and Live phases?

We are planning to launch a new consumer web application with 7 core features and services. While putting together the release roadmap we figured our MVP can be very solid if we included 3 of the 7 core features and have subsequent releases for the rest of the services. Each additional release will probably take 6 weeks to develop and launch. So in total 6 months post MVP, we should be fully live.

From a user experience what would be best when it comes to pricing:

1- Should we show our live pricing from now and subscribe people to it?

2- Should we show our live pricing from now, but give a 25% discount for 6 months?

3- Should we show MVP (Beta) pricing and then change pricing when we are live? We can grandfather MVP users and keep them on the same pricing without increasing their price.

4- Any other ideas?

Any thoughts on this would be tremendously helpful.