How to best direct traffic back to directory index pages from sub navigation pages (in mobile view)

On our school's website,, we use a vertical left nav bar to navigate within a directory. For example, our About Shoreline section:

However, in mobile, the breadcrumb disappears and you're left with a collapsed left navigation bar.

Question - what's the best way to get people back to the top level page of the directory ( from an interior page of that directory?

  1. Adding a "home" link in the vertical collapsed nav list? (I think that's confusing becuase it's not actually the home page- but that's been done in some instances)
  2. Hyperlinking the header of the menu ? (I like that idea, but if they simply want to expand the menu, they may accidentally click on the title instead of the carot and be shuttled somewhere they don't want to go)
  3. Add the header name to the menu as a link (then you have About Shoreline as the name of the menu AND as the first link- seems like a waste of space?.?)

Here is an example where one of our departments put the "home" link as a solution:

Any additional ideas to consider or thoughts on those 3 options would be super helpful. This is my first question on here, so please let me know if I can do a better job of posting questions.

Thank you all.
