How to add one or more items to the table row?


I'm working on very complex enterprise solution. We have this table that shows list of let's call them contracts. Every contract (row) can contain one or more customers (and one or more products).


I need to think of these use cases: 1. People want to copy & paste customer IDs.
2. People should be able to remove all the customers at once.
3. People should still have an overview what customers were selected.
4. People should be able to browse customers and pick those they want to.
(Since we are in the able the solution needs to be compact)

My proposal

My solution
- Clicking on the "CD-0005" would trigger the browse window
- Missing copy & paste functionality

enter image description here
- Looks super ugly
- Hard to provide overview on all the items (having tooltip on input hover is somehow strange)

What do you think? How can this problem be solved?