How should I handle multilingual content in Medium Publication?

So I'm writing at Medium, and I'm planning to create a publication, which is a kind of collection. But here comes the question, I write content in two languages, English and Chinese, and every story got two version, one in English and one in Chinese. So I think it should be weird to have two languages mixing together in one collection, so I'm thinking to make two publication to post stories in two languages, but now I'm stuck in the decision.

So I really prefer mixing all stories in one publication, and I'll tell what I get out of it, and can you guys tell me is it fine design?

Mix languages

I really prefer this solution, but I think users' experience is the first thing. It'll be strange if two languages are mixed together without order, but how about I post the content so the order is story1 (Chinese) -> story1 (English) -> story2 (Chinese) -> story2 (English), so the collection page is ordered by one Chinese story and follow it's English version. Is this kind of design fine? Will it be a mess? How about if there is a search which can filter out Chinese and English content?