How does income affect persona creation for e-commerce site

I'm creating personas for our ecommerce site. There are two candidates; the only differences are their age and income. Will I need two personas to capture both? I am trying to see if there is any website behavior difference that can stem from their income and age differences.

I can think of the following:

Persona A (less income, 18-35 yrs old):

  • more interested in Credit Card application/payment options;
  • more interested in social media
  • spend more time on mobile

Persona B (more income, 35-50 yrs old):

  • less interested in Credit Card application/payment options;
  • spend less time on social media
  • spend not as much time on mobile

I cannot see how these differences might affect the UX design. E.g., we cannot just offer CC applications for some users, but not others. We cannot just provide social media content extracts for some users, but not others.

Though they have differences, I fail to see how that would affect design decisions.

Am I understanding personas properly?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.