How do you describe "animation effects" in your Interaction Design? And in which phase do you do this? [closed]

Question: How and when do you describe the animation effects (or rather gimmicks) in your interaction design?

Description: With animation effects/gimmicks i mean stuff like, "When i hover my mouse over the button, it will glow, and when it's clicked it will shoot stars and rainbows from the top".

How would a description of such animation effects look like in your design documents? And in which phase do you decide which animations you will use and how they will look like or affect your User Experience.

Here's an example of the animation effects i'm referring too:

Selecting a whine will make it float and it will fly to your "bag" when clicked "add to cart"

I'd imagine a user-story in the above example would look like: "As a customer, i can add a wine bottle to my cart"

And a use-case: Clicking the add button will add the item to the cart

And a mock-up will have a static image of the page

But where/when do i describe the fact that the bottle will float when the mouse hovers over it and flies to the cart box when "add to cart" is clicked?