How do I manage too many columns in a tabular data showcase for mobile UX

I am building a crypto portfolio manager and I have the following goals with respect to my UX

  1. Messenger Themed colors as it will run as a webview inside Messenger
  2. I want to display gains or loses, the coin, its price, the amount of coins the user has (holdings) and the value of the user's holdings. I am not sure what would be the best way to display this UX on a messenger webview and made 7 screens. The dark blue area on all the screens is for actually adding the visual chart. Screens 1 & 3 are my efforts to highlight gains and losses with different colors.
  3. Which color from screens 1-3 represent the right UX for the user to perceive gains and losses and are compatible with the Messenger blue scheme at the same time.
  4. Screens 4-7 are my efforts to showcase coins, price, quantity (holdings) and value in addition to gains. Should I go for maximum number of columns here or should I go for dual rows?
  5. Any opinion on which screen has the right UX here is highly appreciated.

Screen 1

I tried adding green and red colors here to indicate gains and losses but it doesn't match with the messenger blue theme in my opinion. enter image description here

Screen 2

As an alternative, I added light gray and dark gray colors to represent gains and losses but it doesn't give a consistent UX. I assume bright colors are linked with user psychology to evaluate gains and losses enter image description here Screen 3

I switched green with the Messenger blue theme and I am not sure if this is against conventional behavior where user associates green with gains enter image description here Screen 4

I kept Price as a separate column to show price of each coin but I dont display holdings or price x quantity enter image description here Screen 5

I tried displaying all pieces of information in 5 columns but this is where it gets a little tricky. Are there too many columns in this table with respect to mobile UX? enter image description here Screen 6

In an attempt to reduce the number of columns, I came up with the idea of dual rows and show cased only holdings or price x quantity held by the user currently enter image description here Screen 7

Based on a suggestion, I tried showcasing price and holdings in dual rows enter image description here

Thank you for your time reading this question