How do I inform a user that an vibration option is not working due to phone settings?

I'm working on a phone app that works with Bluetooth Low Energy to interact with some hardware. When the Bluetooth has successfully connected to the hardware, it gives a short beep and a small vibration buzz to let the user know the interaction is complete.

These settings can be enabled/disabled in the settings screen. Now I learned that some phones actually have a "Vibration Intensity" setting, like the Samsung Note 9 (Android 8.1). If the value of these settings are set to 0, the vibration does not work regardless if the app vibration setting is enabled or not. We cannot detect this setting from the application, so the user might think that it's not working.

What is a good way to inform the user that the phone setting may override the vibration settings of the app? Or should we even inform the user at all?

-Edit- I just realized while posting this question this is the same for volume. The beep option does not work if the phone is on silent, and we usually don't inform the user of this either.