How do I display the whole chat thread title when the title view is specifically designed to be one-line?

Here's the screenshot of a list of all chats:

enter image description here

The title of the chat, i.e. Message Message......, is designed to be single line display only. However, users can enter have titles that are longer than the 60-70 characters a line can have on mobile. I need to show the entire title somehow.

Here are the problems:

  1. Clicking once on the chat message (title or icon) leads you to the chat, i.e. conversation

  2. Long-press opens a dialog box asking you if you want to delete the chat or not (if you are the author, or unfollow the chat if not)

  3. Swiping left takes you to another tab called Status, and swiping right leads you to another tab called "My Profile".

How do I show the entire title when the user wants to see it? What is the expected behavior?