How can we change Call to actions on a card without making user learning process harder and longer?

We are designing a new dashboard for our platform which user request on some service and our providers submit offers for user requests. when a request submitted by a user, He should wait until service providers react to request. As you may guessed already, CTA buttons change on providers or user reaction. for example: user can edit his request until one offer submitted. but after that edit buttons doesn't do anything. Here we have 2 solution for this kind of situation:

  1. Disable buttons which are disable in this state
  2. Remove disabled CTA buttons & replace them with buttons that do things

Take a look at uploaded images for better understanding:State 1 (user requested and before submit any offer by providers

State 2 (providers submitted an offer on request)

users should learn about cards we designed for their requests. changing CTA buttons on every state (which is necessary) is making the learning process harder and harder! What should we do about it?