How can I represent something good for user and bad for the business in a graphical way?

I have this interface which is a stepper that asks user for several medical conditions. Based on the results, we have 2 final options:

  • if result are bad, user will benefit from the business' service
  • if result are good, user won't need the services

There is no complication at all in the algorithm, it's quite straightforward

However, all screens for each step have graphics: mostly illustrations, but also some infographics. They add delight, information and hopefully will increase engagement -still untested, but I'm quite sure it will-.

The problem comes with the final screen when results are good. Client's marketing department gave us the text, which starts as follows:

Thank you for your interest in XXXXXXXXX. Based on what you have told us, our program doesn’t seem appropriate for your condition at this time. (....)

Now, this is good news for the user or maybe bad: condition could be so bad user requires really expensive treatment, we recommend checking with a doctor at the bottom of the marketing messaging, but bad news for the business.

So my problem is: how can I conceptually represent something that is good for user (or maybe really bad!) and bad for the business without looking phony. I mean: business might be legitimally happy that the user is in good health, but it can't be happy about losing business.

My approach right now is to end this screen with some abstract shapes, but I would like to know if there's some kind of concept we can illustrate in order to keep the whole interface consistent


Here's the sample of the first 2 screens. Sorry for the huge ugly logo, I just did a quick edit so I can show it enter image description here

enter image description here