How can I get to know my Users?

More often than not, the person using an application is represented by an icon that’s profoundly vague – monotone and devoid of any expression. This icon could not be further from the truth. The User is a unique individual with their own set of expertise and experience. They think. They feel. They probably drink less coffee than I do.

It's my first day on a new project and the first question I'm asked by the big man (or woman) upstairs is "what can you tell me about who's going to be using this application?"

It's a good question, and, of course, my answer at this point is "let me do some research and I'll get back to you." Of course, I have a drawer full of blank questionnaires and some emails from the project-lead, but beyond that everything is uncharted. I feel this is the case for many people in this field.

There are really three aspects to this question:

  1. How do I best communicate with my hallowed Users and develop a relationship with them that's advantageous towards my goals?

  2. What is important for me to know about them? Monitor size? Blood type? Favorite band? What, no matter the project, is essential knowledge? What else falls under the "it depends" category?

  3. Which tools are available to make this process awesome for everyone? What is a "must-have" for creating that link between you and the User group?