How best to show the dropdown content for Kiosks Web App

I want to show the Drop-down content for the Kiosk , this are my finding till now :

  1. Create buttons (with lg) with the Drop down names
  2. On Pop-Over try to show the Drop Down with the Select-2 option

Is this a better design what improvements can be made or any other way to represent these drop downs content

Note: I'm using bootstrap-3 and select-2 and each drop down will have around 20 items


This is a machinery Application , where whenever a machine fails ,mechanic over there will raise ticket in kiosk ,it will have area and type of bay area will be 20 items and type of bay will be 12 like bay 1, bay 2 etc these are all in the dropdown which we using in Webapplication so coming to kiosk how can we represent these? what im plaining is sample

will show it as buttons on click of it will show the Modal and in that will show content in tiles where users can select them.

Need your ideas about this implementation