Hovering Navigation Arrows

Is there any modern and accessible approach to implementing "hovering navigation arrows"?

I was given a website layout to implement which features "hovering navigation arrows" to navigate to the previous/next articles.

I'm talking about the kind of arrows that would show when the mouse hovers over the first quarter of the screen for the previous article, for example, and the last quarter for the next article. The kind of navigation you usually find in a slider/carousel.

enter image description here Note that the screenshot above is not a slideshow, there is more content if you would scroll down. The footer is fixed.

I have never implemented such a feature and, although I find it quite useful to navigate to the previous/next articles (the arrows are quite big and fit nicely in the design), I can foresee a few potential drawbacks; the navigation would break in touch devices, would block most of the elements in smaller devices, could potentially interfere with other elements in the page, etc.

I sense that this technique is quite old-fashioned but I was wondering if there is any modern and accessible way to implement it.

Thank you.