Help with a hover interaction

Is it alright to make a hover whit a list of options, and outside those list make a clicable area?

Exemple: A image with a Title where the title is link with color hover behavior:

enter image description here

When user hovers over the image, it brings a menu with options:

enter image description here

The title will take the user for a page with content relate to it (Imagine Title as Coffee, for exemple, and I go for a Coffee homepage)

The menu options is a shortcut and took the user a level inside the title (In this exemple, mugs, beans or coffee machines)

My concerns are:

How armfull is not to make the image clicable itself

How armfull would be If the "blank area" of the hover leads to the "Coffee" page as the image title and the options to sublevels

This is sounding a little bit overwhelming to me. WHat are your cosiderantions?

Please help me