GUI Design pattern for module tabs where multiple tabs simultaneously in view

We are using a module tab pattern on a website which views financial information.

Neilson (2016) specifies "Use tabs only when users don't need to see content from multiple tabs simultaneously". The GDS design system guidelines agree with this specifying "users will not need to view all the sections at once"

We have multiple tabs each which hold financial or other relevant contextual data. Our users would like to be able to switch between these view quickly, but also put at least two side by side to be able to compare.

We have tried using the natural browser and windows desktop behaviour to do this, but users do not find this intuitive and soon get lost.

Is there a good GUI pattern that allows quick switching (as tabs does) but also allows side by side comparison, or are there better ways of solving the original need?

For instance on the example below, the user might want to see past day and past year side by side, and have week and month close to hand (I know this isn't financial information - but illustrates the concept).

Example tab pattern