Grouping problem

I need to design a commercial information form for a project. Client section is read only data and is loaded with select button. It opens a search dialog and client and receiver data are loaded. I have designed two options but I don't like any of them.

Option 1

enter image description here

I have gruped the form in 3 sections. It's clear that client and receiver are loaded by select button and in that section each data are grouped again with labels Client and Receiver. Labels below each textfield helps to know what kind of information is showing. I don't like the amount of space that textfields takes. I have to show the data in textfields because help labels.

Option 2

enter image description here

In this option I delete sections and read only data is in labels (less space). If I include help labels below they look weird, so I have to draw "client" and "receiver" words multiple times in labels. Besides, select client button looks out of place.

Is there any way to combine two options? Option 1 looks nice but I don't like textfields in read only data (I prefer labels). But with labels I can't include help labels and I don't know how group the data. Maybe showing in two columns (one per client and the other per receiver) groups better, but commercial data section and salesman are showing only in one column.