Gerry McGovern: The Tools I Use

The latest in our series “The Tools We Use” features Gerry McGovern, founder of Customer Carewords and author of multiple books.

Optimal Workshop: For designing navigation in particular. Great for figuring out how customers think about organizing things, and what words resonate most with them.

Survey Monkey: We do most of our Top Tasks surveys using Survey Monkey. We’ve done hundreds of Top Tasks surveys with Survey Monkey over ten years or so, and we’re very familiar with how it works. We have an Excel plugin that processes the data in a special way, and the plugin is able to download the data direct from SurveyMonkey so that makes it a bit easier too. Generally, Survey Monkey has had a simple design and we’ve rarely had to train anyone on how to use it. But I’ve found that in recent years, it’s got a bit more complicated and less intuitive.

Snagit for screen grabs and videos, and Camtasia for video editing.

GoToMeeting: For endless meetings.