Follow company consistency or OS convention?

We're a huge company and develope a lot of apps and other services. So our target is to create a consistency over all the different applications to ensure a consistent brand-expirience.
So we created our main app which is available for iOS and Android. Both apps look nearly exactly identical.

But now came the question up, if we shouldn't focus on OS-conventions? The users are familiar with the OS-behaviour so the apps should follow the OS-conventions.

First I tried to find some studies about this topic.
I'm aware there is a similar question on UX SE "Design for Application consistency or follow OS convention?". But they're talking about consistency over Desktop & Mobile, and we focus on iOS vs. Android (not desktop), and we need source proof to close our discoussions. So I opened another question.
But in this question, they say:

Users know their devices, but not your app. That's why Snapchat is so hard to learn.

On the other hand, the NN group released a study with an opposite result:

A consistent user experience, regardless of platform, is one of the 4 key elements of a usable omnichannel experience. Consistency across channels helps build trust with customers.

Sadly, I didn't found much more than that. Now I need your help.

We started to list up pro's and con's for Consistency vs. convention:


  • The user will know how to use the app, regardless of the OS.
  • We can focus on the user workflow with our services and don't need to create something maybe worst because of a OS-convention
  • It's cheaper because we only need to create 1 prototype and we only need to service one design.
  • We would need to redesign the app for every OS-guideline change, which will be much more expensive.


  • The most users have either an iOS, or an Android device. So they don't care if the app is exactly consistent over the plattform. They only care about their device-version. So it should behave like the rest of the apps on this specific plattform

  • If we use conventions, it will be faster to develop the app since we can use standard elements.

What I need from you:
I'm interested in your opinion and additional pro/cons, but I need official sources to be able to share those to avoid "that's your opinion"-comments on the arguments.

I hope I made clear what I mean and what I need. If not, feel free to comment questions or edit this post.