Flexible design for a general form facility

I'm designing a general form facility - so when a customer comes in and requires certain forms to be made, then our engineers have customizable tools to create a form for that customer. My design goal is that no matter what form our customers require, all forms will look consistent and follow the same patterns.

Problem: Are there existing examples or frameworks that allow the layout to be flexible? Just want to design to accommodate cases in which answer options can be very long, how to format the design consistently no matter the length of the content or answers.

A Question with radial options [] Radial Option [] Radial Option Long Name [] Radial Option Longer Name [] Radial Option [] Radial Option Long Name [] Radial Option Longer Name

A Question with manual entry [ enter value ] [ enter value ] [ enter value ]

One of our engineers used table matrices to automatically determine the number of columns required based on the number options / manual entry fields to show. Are there other ways to accomplish a flexible layout?