Find an appealing website/project name

I'm still working on my web-application and have to find another name due the lack of a free .com/net domain.

Now I'm wondering how I should approach the renaming. Are there any tricks on how to make a Name/URL sound appealing?

For example, I have an application for tattoo-artists so there should either be the word tattoo or ink in the name, as this is referring to the topic of the site.

Now, I take a look on the purpose of the page: The user can find and rate tattoo artists, while these can be found over several filters on their mini-website.

So, words like this would be possible: finder, search, scope, book, check, stack, space, ...

But if I combine these things, the names sound too generic:

Inkfinder, Tattoobook, Inkspace, and so on.

Are there any words or tricks that can both describe a site perfectly but also sound interesting?

Previously, I had AllInk and ProjectInk but both were unavailable.