Filtering for many options on many levels

I am trying to redesign a filter menu for a link analysis webpage. The page displays different kind of links as icons and arrow in between each link to describe the connection between each link. There are 3 main categories of links and several sub categories. There are also several different connection types.

I want to redesign the current filter page as it is very messy. It is a sidebar containing a mixture of dropdowns, accordions and slide out menus. I want something simpler and more consistent.

Current Diagram (simplified):

Category 1
-- Subcategory 1
----Connection Type 1
----------- Connection Direction 1
----------- Connection Direction 2
----Connection Type 2
----------- Connection Direction 1
----------- Connection Direction 2
-- Subcategory 2
----Connection Type 1
----------- Connection Direction 1
----------- Connection Direction 2
----Connection Type 2
----------- Connection Direction 1
----------- Connection Direction 2
-- Subcategory 3
----Connection Type 1
----------- Connection Direction 1
----------- Connection Direction 2
----Connection Type 2
----------- Connection Direction 1
----------- Connection Direction 2

Category 2
-- Subcategory 4
----Connection Type 3
----------- Connection Direction 3
----------- Connection Direction 4
----Connection Type 4
----------- Connection Direction 3
----------- Connection Direction 4
-- Subcategory 5
----Connection Type 3
----------- Connection Direction 3
----------- Connection Direction 4
----Connection Type 4
----------- Connection Direction 3
----------- Connection Direction 4
-- Subcategory 6
----Connection Type 3
----------- Connection Direction 3
----------- Connection Direction 4
----Connection Type 4
----------- Connection Direction 3
----------- Connection Direction 4

Category 3
-- Subcategory 7
----Connection Type 5
----------- Connection Direction 5
----------- Connection Direction 6
-- Subcategory 8
----Connection Type 5
----------- Connection Direction 5
----------- Connection Direction 6
-- Subcategory 9
----Connection Type 5
----------- Connection Direction 5
----------- Connection Direction 6

Each category is different and each subcategory is different, but the connection types and connection directions are the same for each category (hence the numbers above).

Filtering is allowed by any category, subcategory connection direction and connection type. They can all be selected, all deselected or any combination in between.

Because there are so many different options I am having a hard time trying to get it organised simply.

Does anyone have any ideas of how to allow the user to filter all the different options, and showing all the selected filters clearly?

Example based on:

enter image description here

-- Men
---- Lending
-------- To
-------- From
---- Belonging
-------- To
-------- From
-- Women
---- Lending
-------- To
-------- From
---- Belonging
-------- To
-------- From

-- House
---- Call
-------- Incoming
-------- Outgoing
-- Cell
---- Call
-------- Incoming
-------- Outgoing

-- Report
---- Exchanged
-------- Sender
-------- Recipient
---- Seen
-------- Sender
-------- Recipient
-- Cheque
---- Exchanged
-------- Sender
-------- Recipient
---- Seen
-------- Sender
-------- Recipient

So far example a person might want to only see 'men' 'lending' 'to' and 'cheques' 'seen' (by the) 'recipient', so will filter the rest out.