Feedback on how to compare two groups of data visually on one page?

I have a site that allows you to set up two groups of criteria (here it is two categories of products) by searching and refining, then allows you to view data and analysis of these two groups of criteria while easily also seeing what the groups themselves are comprised of. The idea is for the user to be able to quickly see a comparison of the two groups utilizing color coding for quicker identification. I also want the user to be able to click into the groups to refine them at any time in their workflow. I have attached a quick illustration of this. I have included the groups in the nav as their own little toolbox (kind of like Flowdock), but am worried this doesn't make sense, especially with all the information included in them. Can I please get some thoughts and feedback on this? Is there a better solution I am overlooking? Thanks everyone!

enter image description here