Fast-forward and Rewind on Console video apps: what’s the best way?

I've noticed that most apps on PS4 each seem to use a different method of fast-forwarding and rewinding. I assume this is the same on Xbox:

  1. YouTube
    • Uses triggers.
      • Very bad from a UX perspective.
      • The controller rests on the triggers when you place it down, often causing the video to fast-forward or rewind accidentally.
    • Also allows you to select transport bar using arrows/analog stick and navigate it uses left/right.
      • Much better than triggers, but a bit convoluted.
      • But requires you to pause video, press up to go to the Play/Pause button, then press up again to go to the transport bar.
  2. Amazon Video
    • No way of rewinding/fast forwarding straight from controller.
    • Must instead press any button on controller, and then press the Fast Forward or Rewind buttons to select Fast Forward/Rewind speed, then quickly select the Play button to stop fast forwarding.
    • Very convoluted, and very hard to actually get to a specific point without going past it.
  3. Netflix
    • Press Left or Right on the D-pad or left analog stick.
      • Actually works very well in my opinion, and the lack of transport controls eliminates a lot of excise.
  4. BBC iPlayer
    • Same as YouTube, except pressing any button goes straight to the transport bar which makes life a bit easier.
  5. Twitch
    • The same as Amazon.
      • Unsurprising as Amazon owns Twitch.
      • But whereas Amazon videos last hours, Twitch highlight videos on average last under a minute.
      • Even on the slowest fast-forward setting, you're at the end of the highlight before you can stop rewinding.

So to my questions:

  1. Why do so many big players seem to make things so difficult on consoles?
  2. Why does nobody use the bumpers for fast-forwarding/rewinding?
  3. Can you suggest a method not used above?