Experimenting with modal design

Hello UX'ers

I work as a full time UI/UX designer in a smaller company. We are currently going through a major re-design phase and one of the biggest addition we are adding to our platform is "step by step" process. An example of such process would be a user joining a team.

The other day I had a random thought that I couldn't find any research about, nor any use cases of other companies and inspiration sites (Such as Behance and Dribbble) using this idea.

My idea revolves around modals and how a step-by-step process could function. Normally step-by-step processes are located within the same modal. My idea is to visualize the next and previous steps more for the user, without making them make any decisions for the next step - So, showing part of step 2 as a modal on the right side of the users screen. Like-wise I would show part of the previous step on the left side of the screen.

If the description and prototype is not informative enough, I'll gladly add more details!

I have made a quick prototype of the idea at the bottom.

My question to you guys would be, have you seen anything like this before? Can you provide any pros and cons of such a solution?

Password: Stack123

Prototype link: https://xd.adobe.com/view/7e7fb4f5-9bed-40c4-42ed-04c329ccfbec-084e/