Expander before selector? Or other way around?

The scenario: I'm designing a table that will have both expanders (chevron icons) and multi-select action checkboxes on each row.

Table with eight rows, with expander and section box at beginning of each row

Expanded, the rows look like this (and will eventually have more data in them.)

Row with expansion

The user can also delete each row individually via a trash can icon that appears on hover at the end of the row. Originally I put the selection checkbox at the beginning of each row and the expander at the end, next to the trash.

Obviously, it's not a good idea to put frequently-used buttons right next to the trash. But also, we use the expander at the beginning of the row in other parts of the application, and the table occasionally gets covered with a pop-over sheet when the user is working through a certain flow.

Table in context of pop-over sheet and other page elements

The question: Is it the correct order to put the expander icon first, selection box second on each row? I have nothing but instinct to justify this decision, perhaps because it feels weird for the expander icon to be placed between two items with header information.

It's also feeling a little fidgety to have three small clickable components all together in a close area, so if this is a bad pattern for other reasons, I'd consider an alternative.