excel 2003 etc. web query "treat consecutive delimiters as one", how to shape a query in such way in the new Office 365 "Power Query"

Excel 2003 etc. web query offers to group a single row whose columns are different than above or below, essentially. So far I see no INTUITIVE or "wizard-guided" way to shape a query in such way in the new Office 365 "Power Query" (or in cursory skimming of superficial help documentation), and while I can work around this issue it is far easier using the wizard!

Seems the wizard configuration is "treat consecutive delimiters as one" in excel 2007 options dialogue of "edit query" (also of making a new query).

How can I do this in Office 365 without manually constructing a "synthetic" or home-made "query" via left(), right(), and mid() formulae tactical stuff on the grid itself (the old school super excel finesse & monstrosity of it!! as much fun as it is!)

Thank you so very much!