Error/ success messages: File not downloaded or File was not downloaded. The download was stopped or interrupted by another file download

Error/ success messages in web apps.

Material design writing style, recommends to be simple and direct.

Here's an example they give:

enter image description here

The advice is easy to follow in one-sentence messages. But what about two-sentence messages?

Here's how I write one-sentence messages:

File downloaded/ File not downloaded

Payment successful

Message sent

What is the best way to write two-sentence messages?

File not downloaded. The download was stopped or interrupted by another file download.


File was not downloaded. The download was stopped or interrupted by another file download.


File not downloaded. Download stopped manually or interrupted by another file download.


The sentence above is just one example. There are many other two-sentence messages in the ui, structured this way:

Problem stated. Explanation of what went wrong or/and what can be done to fix this.

What is the best way to formulate those two sentences?

1) the first one as if it's a one-sentence message. the second one following all the grammar rules and in the right tense form.

2) both sentences should follow all the grammar rules and should be used in the right tense form. (the concern here is that the one-sentence messages would differ. wouldn't that be considered as a different style?)